
光大证券前总董事长薛峰被调查 或涉MPS收购事件

Xue Feng, the former general chairman of Everbright Securities, was investigated or involved in the MPS takeover

新浪財經 ·  Nov 29, 2021 10:26
The reporter learned from authoritative sources that Xue Feng, the former chairman of Everbright Securities, was taken away for investigation by relevant parties a few months ago. The core reason may be related to the celebrity multinational merger and acquisition case that went viral before — the takeover of British sports copyright company MPS (MP&Silva Holding S.A.) by Storm Group. The risk of the MPS project came to light in February 2019. Two months later, Xue Feng resigned as chairman of Everbright Securities. Since then, the latest information about Xue Feng has not been reported in the press. People familiar with the matter revealed that Xue Feng had been ill since his resignation to help investigate the MPS incident. (First Finance)

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