
港股异动 | 包浩斯国际(0483.HK)大涨近12% 中期扭亏为盈至3410万港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Bauhaus International (0483.HK) rose nearly 12% and turned a profit to HK $34.1 million in the medium term.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 29, 2021 10:10
On November 29th, 0483.HK rose nearly 12% to HK $1.23, a high of HK $1.32, with a total market capitalization of HK $450 million.

Bauhaus International announced that in the interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2021, the group's turnover fell by about 31.6% to about HK $116.7 million. The Group recorded a net profit of about HK $34.1 million (2020: net loss of HK $37.6 million). Basic and diluted earnings per share are approximately HK9.3 cents (2020: HK10.2 cents per share). The interim dividend and the third special dividend have been declared at HK2.5 cents (2020: HK2.5 cents) and HK30.5 cents per ordinary share respectively.

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