
航运股多数走强 中远海控(01919)涨6.51% 奥密克戎毒株或令运价再度上涨

Most of the shipping stocks strengthened COSCO Shipping Holdings (01919) rose 6.51% Omicron strain or caused the freight rate to rise again.

鳳凰網港股 ·  Nov 29, 2021 10:06

Phoenix New Media Hong Kong stocks | most shipping stocks are strong, with COSCO Shipping Holdings (01919) up 6.51%; Orient Overseas (00316) up 5.71%; Pacific Shipping (02343) up 3.86%; SITC International Holdings (01308) up 3.01%.

It is reported that the discovery of Omicron strain in South Africa and other countries has aroused high global vigilance. Analysts say O'Micron may aggravate shipping tensions and freight rates may rise again. However, some people in the industry believe that although the epidemic will benefit freight rates, high freight rates will also have a crowding-out effect on demand, but high freight rates may continue in the short term.

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