
港股异动 | 抗疫概念股走强 变异毒株奥密克戎引担忧

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | the strong anti-epidemic concept stocks caused concern about the mutant strain O'Micron.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 29, 2021 09:50
On November 29th, Gelong Hui rose 9%, Junshi Bio rose nearly 7%, pioneering Pharmaceutical Industry rose 5%, Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical, Tengsheng Boyao, Alibaba Health Information Technology, Sino Biopharmaceutical rose 3%, and JD Health rose 2%. On the news, World Health Organization (WHO) issued a statement on November 26, listing the B.1.1.529 COVID-19 variant as a "need to pay attention" variant, and named Omicron (Omicron). The World Health Organization pointed out on November 28th that there are several mutations in the COVID-19 mutant virus Omicron strain that may affect its ability of transmission and pathogenicity, but it is not clear whether the Omicron strain is more contagious than other variants and whether it will cause more serious diseases. Prior to this, World Health Organization (WHO) has said that the risk of reinfection caused by Omicron strain may increase, but the information is limited. World Health Organization (WHO) is conducting research with partners to understand the impact of Omicron strain on the effectiveness of existing COVID-19 vaccines and testing tools.

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