
港股异动︱包浩斯国际(00483)高开逾14% 中期业绩扭亏为盈至3406.5万港元

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Bauhaus International (00483) opened more than 14% of its interim results and turned a profit to HK $34.065 million.

智通財經 ·  Nov 29, 2021 09:30

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Bauhaus International (00483) reported interim results for the six months ended September 30, 2021, with revenue of HK $116.7 million, down 31.6% from a year earlier. Gross profit was 70.822 million Hong Kong dollars, down 36.4% from the same period last year. The profit attributable to equity holders of the parent company for the period was HK $34.065 million, compared with a loss of HK $37.573 million in the same period last year. Basic earnings per share was HK9.3 cents. As of 09:20, it was up 14.55% to quote HK $1.26, with a turnover of 2520.

The interim dividend and the third special dividend have been declared at HK2.5 cents and HK30.5 cents per ordinary share respectively. The interim and third special dividends will be paid on or before Wednesday, 22 December 2021.

In addition, the decline in sales during the period was mainly due to the continuing impact of the epidemic and the strategic streamlining of inefficient sales channels over the past few years to reduce losses.

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