

Xinhua News Agency: Internet advertising may face new regulations, continuously releasing signals of the development of market regulations

新華社 ·  Nov 28, 2021 23:05
Source: Xinhua News Agency

Reporter: Zhao Wenjun

Beijing, 28 Nov (Xinhua) on the 26th, the General Administration of Market Supervision announced the "measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising (draft for Public consultation)" to solicit opinions from the public for a period of one month. Measures to respond to social concerns and clearly regulate commercial advertisements and cross-border e-commerce advertisements that promote goods or services directly or indirectly by means of live Internet broadcasting. We have further strengthened the regulations on the areas of pop-up advertising, such as "one-click shutdown" and placement advertising, and added special provisions for advertisements containing links, preschool education, and primary and secondary education.

The method is revised on the basis of the interim measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising formulated by the former State Administration for Industry and Commerce in 2016. In 2019, the Electronic Commerce Law and the revised Anti-unfair Competition Law have been implemented one after another, providing a new legal basis and legislative reference for the supervision of Internet advertising. In order to adapt to the new situation and new tasks of the current supervision of Internet advertising, the General Administration of Market Supervision organized the revision of the interim measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, renamed the measures for the Administration of Internet Advertising, and drafted a draft for public consultation.

In recent years, Internet advertising in the form of advertising, business model, delivery mode and other aspects of continuous development and change, and further expand from the computer side to the mobile end, the characteristics of diversity, diversity and extensiveness become more obvious. According to incomplete statistics in the industry, Internet advertising on China's e-commerce platform increased by 17.26% in 2020.

At the same time, Internet advertising has many links, long chains, complex subjects and difficult supervision, and the head effect of all kinds of large-scale mainstream Internet platform enterprises is very obvious, which objectively requires to further consolidate the responsibilities of all kinds of platform operators.

"if you come, we will train your children; if you do not come, we will train your children's competitors."non-invasive, painless, safe and effective will bring you a comfortable beauty experience." At present, all kinds of pop-up advertisements and implant advertisements on the Internet platform make consumers unbearable. Especially in areas such as medical treatment, medicine, health food, real estate, financial investment and financial management, which have a bearing on people's health and property safety, some Internet platforms have published a wide range of false and illegal advertisements, harming the legitimate rights and interests of consumers, and have put forward urgent requirements for standardizing development.

In fact, measures to strengthen the management of Internet advertising norms have been under way since the beginning of this year. Since the beginning of this year, platform economy and Internet advertising have become frequent "hot words" in the field of market supervision, referring to all kinds of illegal chaos, and a series of measures to regulate the development have been introduced intensively.

In April this year, the General Administration of Market Supervision, together with the Central Internet Information Office and the State Administration of Taxation, held an administrative guidance meeting for Internet platform enterprises, at which 34 Internet platform enterprises signed a "commitment to comply with regulations in accordance with the law." It is worth noting that almost all of these Internet platform enterprises mentioned "consciously maintaining the order of the Internet advertising market" in their signed commitments. such as standardizing advertising business activities in accordance with the law, improving the advertising monitoring mechanism, strengthening the examination of advertisements on the platform, strictly standardizing advertising release behavior, paying attention to advertising orientation, and putting an end to false propaganda and vulgar content.

In August this year, the General Administration of Market Supervision issued a Guide to the Law Enforcement of Medical Beauty Advertising (draft for soliciting opinions) to solicit opinions from the public. In October this year, the General Administration of Market Supervision released a number of typical cases of unfair competition in the field of medicine and beauty, some of which involved illegal advertising through Internet platforms. In November this year, the Law Enforcement Guide for Medical Beauty Advertising was formally issued, defining the focus of the supervision of medical beauty advertising and emphasizing the responsibility of platform operators.

In November this year, the General Administration of Market Supervision and other departments jointly issued the Circular on the Control and Control of advertisements for out-of-School training, requiring a comprehensive clean-up of the advertising market for out-of-school training, including platform self-inspection and rectification, and further improving the advertising release and auditing system. Those who fail to rectify themselves on time shall be given a heavier punishment in accordance with the law.

Experts said that on the one hand, we should give full play to the innovative advantages of Internet marketing, on the other hand, we should create a market environment for fair competition, jointly maintain a good market ecosystem, and serve the country's economic and social development in a down-to-earth manner.

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