

Hua Hong Semiconductor (01347.HK): a maximum of 4.99 million shares under the 2018 option will be vested on December 24th.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 26, 2021 16:50

Hua Hong Semiconductor (01347.HK) announced that according to (I) the terms of the stock option plan and the terms of the 2018 option and 2019 option (as amended by the ordinary resolution passed by the shareholders at the EGM), up to 4.99 million 2018 options will be vested on December 24, 2021, and up to 406000 2019 options will be vested on December 23, 20121 in accordance with (I) the terms of the stock option plan and the terms of the 2018 option and 20119 option (as amended by the ordinary resolution passed by the shareholders at the EGM).

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