
港股异动 | 乳业股集体下挫 十五部门联合印发母乳喂养促进行动计划

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Dairy stocks fell collectively. Fifteen departments jointly issued an action plan to promote breastfeeding.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 26, 2021 15:30
On November 26th, Gelong Hui, China Feihe Limited fell by more than 8%, modern animal husbandry by 3.6%, China Mengniu Dairy and manor pastures by 2%, and China's holy animal husbandry all fell. The 15 departments jointly issued an action plan for the promotion of breastfeeding. It is planned that by 2025, the awareness rate of core knowledge of breastfeeding in maternal and infant families will reach more than 70%, and the allocation rate of maternal and infant facilities in public places will reach more than 80%. Encourage employers and nurseries with a large number of female workers to set up lactation rooms and improve the allocation rate. It is worth mentioning that in August, Xinhua News Agency published an article saying that we should guard against the impact of formula marketing on breastfeeding and step up efforts to publicize the importance of breastfeeding.

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