
港股异动丨光伏股下挫 美国国际贸易委员会倾向延长对中国太阳能板征关税

Hong Kong stocks change, Photovoltaic stocks fall, US International Trade Commission tends to extend tariffs on Chinese solar panels

格隆滙 ·  Nov 26, 2021 14:22
On November 26, Gelonghui photovoltaic stocks fell, Poly Xiexin Energy fell by more than 6%, North controlled Clean Energy fell by about 5%, and Xinte Energy fell by 4.69%. The US International Trade Commission (ITC) agreed on Wednesday that Chinese-made solar panels still pose a threat to US industries and that it is necessary to maintain the previous US administration's measures to impose import duties on Chinese solar equipment to protect domestic industries. During the Trump administration, the US imposed a four-year tariff on Chinese-made solar panels, with a tax rate of 30 per cent in the first year and 15 per cent in the last year, which will expire in February next year. ITC will submit recommendations to US President Joe Biden by December 8 on whether to support the extension of the tariff.

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