
快讯:污水处理概念股大幅走强 久吾高科、绿城水务涨停

News flash: sewage treatment concept stocks greatly strengthen Jiuwu high-tech, Greentown water trading limit

新浪財經 ·  Nov 26, 2021 10:14

November 26 news, sewage treatment concept stocks significantly strengthened. As of press time, Baijiet, Jiuwo Hi-Tech, Greentown Water limit, Jiangnan Water, Tianjin Film Technology, Wanbangda, Yongqing Environmental Protection, and so on.

On the news side, recently, the Ministry of Ecology and Environment has made new arrangements to increase the battle for ecological protection and management of the Yellow River, so as to jointly do a good job in great protection and promote great governance in a coordinated manner. In addition, the comprehensive management of the Bohai Sea will be expanded to the comprehensive management of key sea areas.

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