
科指止跌回升1.2% 百度/嗶哩嗶哩/比亞迪電子/華虹漲5%-7%

The Ke Index rebounded 1.2% Baidu, Inc. / BMI / BYD Electronic / Huahong up 5% and 7%.

缸邊情報 ·  Nov 25, 2021 16:10

Us 10-year bond interest rates fell close to 1.7 per cent last night, and large US science and technology stocks took on their low positions, including blue chip Intel Corp (INTC.US) up 1.3 per cent, ultra micro semiconductors (AMD.US) and NVIDIA Corp (NVDA.US) up 5.3 per cent and 2.9 per cent, driving the Philadelphia semiconductor index up 0.9 per cent, and the Nasdaq index rose 0.4 per cent last night from a drop of more than 1 per cent. The Nasdaq 100 shipment continued to rise 0.3% to 16411.

Hong Kong's Heng Biotechnology Index fell six times in a row and rebounded again and again today. In the afternoon, it repeatedly rose from this morning's lowest level of 6men267 to 6mine370, and now it is reported to be 6meme366, up 1.2%.

The 30 index stocks are generally good, especially BYD Electronic (00285.HK) rose 7.2% to 34.20 yuan, the share price surpassed the hundred antennas (33.80 yuan), while 01347.HK, which followed the US chip stocks higher, rose 6.6 per cent to 48.65 yuan.

Baidu, Inc. (09888.HK) and 09626.HK (beep mile) rose by 50% to 153.2 yuan and 577.5 yuan respectively. GDS Holdings Limited (09698.HK), Group (09618.HK), Kingsoft (03888.HK), BABA (09988.HK) and NetEase, Inc (09999.HK), which broke the bottom yesterday, rose 2%, 3.7%, and the share prices of the latter two were as high as 135.9 yuan and 184 yuan, respectively.

Tencent (00700.HK), a heavyweight stock, repeatedly rallied 1.3% and had as high as 482.4 yuan; the quarterly performance was slightly lower than expected. XIAOMI (01810.HK) today tested the intraday low of 19.02 yuan set yesterday, and the share price rebounded by 2%. The stock price rose as high as 19.76 yuan. In addition, Zhongan Online P&C Insurance (06060.HK) rallied 4.4% to 28.45 yuan, shares over 10 days and 20 antennas.

However, Kuaishou Technology (01024.HK), who is expected to play twice in a row, repeatedly gave back 2.3% to 97.35 yuan, and the stock price lost 20 days and 10 antennas. Alibaba Health Information Technology (00241.HK), which lost 232 million yuan in the last quarter, fell as low as 7.52 yuan, the lowest in more than two years, and is now trading at 7.78 yuan, down 1.6 per cent.

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