
锦江资本获锦江国际溢价要约 涨超22%

Jinjiang Capital will increase by more than 22% when it gets the Jinjiang International Premium.

財華社 ·  Nov 25, 2021 14:56

[Caihua News] as of November 25, as of press time, Jinjiang Capital (02006.HK) rose more than 22% to HK $2.850 per share.

On November 24, Jinjiang Capital announced that it would take Jinjiang International, the controlling shareholder, as the offeror to privatize Jinjiang Capital by means of absorption and merger, involving the cancellation of shares by cash payment to H-share shareholders. and revoke the listing status of the shares on the Stock Exchange. According to the announcement, the price of each H-share privatized this time is 3.1 yuan, a premium of about 33.6% over the share price of 2.32 yuan before the suspension. Jinjiang International, which is held by 90% of the Shanghai State-owned assets Supervision and Administration Commission and 10% of the Shanghai Ministry of Finance, indicated that it would not raise the acquisition price. With about 1.3915 billion H shares issued in Jinjiang, the capital involved in this privatization is about 4.31 billion yuan. Jinjiang International said that it intends to pay part of the cost of this privatization by drawing a loan of 4 billion yuan from ICBC Asia.

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