
港股异动 | 四环医药(0460.HK)涨超5% 轩竹生物吡罗西尼获批开展三期临床试验

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | fourth Ring Pharmaceutical (0460.HK) rose by more than 5%. Pirosini, a bamboo organism, has been approved to carry out phase III clinical trials.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 25, 2021 13:26
On November 25, the fourth Ring Road Pharmaceutical (0460.HK) expanded its gains in the afternoon to HK $1.61, or 5.23%, with a total market capitalization of HK $15.22 billion. Xuanzhu Biology, a subsidiary of the group, has received an application from the Drug Review Center of China's State Drug Administration to conduct phase III clinical trials of Pirosini, a class 1 innovative drug, the company announced. The results of preclinical studies show that Pirozinib has unique pharmacokinetic characteristics and can effectively pass through the blood-brain barrier. It is expected to have a good effect on patients with brain metastasis of breast cancer and patients with brain cancer.

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