

[Hong Kong Stock Exchange] Pirosini, a subsidiary of Sihuan Medicine (00460), has been approved to carry out phase III clinical trials.

鳳凰網港股 ·  Nov 25, 2021 12:56

Phoenix New Media Hong Kong stock | Sihuan Pharmaceutical (00460) announced that its Xuanzhu Biology has received an application from the Drug Evaluation Center of the State Drug Administration of China to conduct a phase III clinical trial of Pirozinib (Birociclib,XZP-3287 CDK4/6 (cell cycle dependent kinase 4 and 6) inhibitors) ("Pirosini"). The combination of pyrrosinil and aromatase inhibitors is used in locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer with hormone receptor positive (HR+) and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 negative (HER2-). In August 2021, the combination of Pirosinil and flurvist has been approved for phase III clinical trials.

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