
美聯增聘前線逾2,100人 拓大灣區銷售隊伍

Wachovia hires more than 2100 frontline sales team to expand the Great Bay area

即市頭條 ·  Nov 25, 2021 12:20

Bu Shaoming, chief executive of Wachovia property and Housing Department, said that according to the data of the first-hand residential property sales network, more than 16000 first-hand residential transactions have been recorded so far this year, more than 10% higher than the whole of last year, and 18000 are expected to be recorded for the whole year. the number of second-hand residential registrations for the whole year is estimated to reach 60, 000. This year, the bank's housing department has already expanded, established strongholds in many important areas, and hired more than 2100 new frontlines. It is expected that the bank will open nearly 100 new branches by the end of the year.

With the epidemic in Hong Kong under control, the prospect of customs clearance between China and Hong Kong has increased. Bu Shaoming said that in order to meet the great opportunities brought about by customs clearance, Wachovia property and Housing Department, on the one hand, actively recruited talented talents from the "Porto Novo people". And launched the "New Hong Kong people Talent recruitment Program", attracting about 150 people in just over two months. On the other hand, it is also expanding the sales force in the Greater Bay area and plans to employ about 200 agency elites to look for business opportunities in the "92nd" Greater Bay area to capture "southbound" and "northbound" funds.

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