
港股异动 | 持续回购 映客(3700.HK)大涨超16%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | continuous Repurchase (3700.HK) rose by more than 16%

格隆滙 ·  Nov 25, 2021 10:46
3700.HK rose 16.67% to HK $1.54 on November 25, with turnover enlarged to HK $10.22 million, with a total market capitalization of HK $3.1 billion. Yesterday (24) the company bought back 448000 shares again, involving an investment of 603600 yuan. The cumulative number of securities repurchased so far this year is 16.02 million shares, accounting for 0.798% of the total number of shares issued when the ordinary resolution is passed. Yingke Mutual Entertainment Group has been exploring new social models and innovating new social scenes. Not only that, in recent years, Yingke Group has incubated more than 20 social products aimed at vertical areas to meet the needs of users of different regions, ages and interests.

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