

The stock price and the performance "fly together", and the equity incentive of the listed companies of state-owned enterprises has achieved remarkable results.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 25, 2021 06:26
As one of the eight key tasks of the three-year action of state-owned enterprise reform, flexibly carrying out a variety of medium-and long-term incentives has become an important measure for state-owned enterprises to improve the market-oriented management mechanism. In the past three months, a total of 14 listed companies controlled by central enterprises, including China Rallway, China Software, Haikang WeiTV, as well as Nantian Information, Sino-Thai Chemical and other local state-owned enterprises, have disclosed the new phase of equity incentive plans one after another. A more important indicator is that in the past three years, the operating performance and stock price performance of central enterprises and local state-owned enterprise holding listed companies that have implemented equity incentives are significantly better than the average level of state-owned listed companies. In other words, through the implementation of equity incentives, these state-owned listed companies have fully achieved the purpose of enhancing the vitality of enterprises and mobilizing the entrepreneurial enthusiasm of entrepreneurs and employees. (Shanghai Securities Daily)

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