
绿景中国地产(00095):附属购回2021年到期票据 占票据初始本金额的98%

Green King China Real Estate (00095): accessory repurchase of notes maturing in 2021 accounts for 98% of the initial principal of the bill.

智通財經 ·  Nov 24, 2021 20:26

Zhitong Financial APP News, Green King China Real Estate (00095) issued an announcement that on November 23 and 24, 2021, subsidiary tourmaline International repurchased commercial paper from the market, with a total principal of HK $326 million, US $11.81 million and RMB 6.5 million, accounting for about 98 per cent of the initial principal of commercial paper. After the repurchase of commercial paper, all commercial paper repurchased in advance will be cancelled.

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