
快讯:医美概念股拉升回暖 漱玉平民涨超9%

News flash: medical and beauty concept stocks have been pulled up and gargled with jade, and the civilian population has risen by more than 9%.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 24, 2021 10:26

November 24 news, medical and beauty concept stocks pulled back to warm up. As of press time, the number of people in gargle has increased by more than 9%, while Kaineng Health, blond rabbi, Yihua Health, Hao Haisheng, and international medicine have risen.

According to a research report released by Zheshang Securities, the cosmetics sector is divided, the dependence on over-live broadcast is increased, and the rising Chinese brands with marginal and upward performance are concerned; the policies of the medical and American sector are becoming stricter and the epidemic situation is disturbed; pay close attention to the business situation of mobile sales in the upstream channel + downstream terminals of the medical beauty. Grasp the medical beauty industry performance of the strongest certainty, with long-term investment value of the links and companies, appropriate allocation of high elasticity downstream medical beauty target. The cosmetics barrier is lower and the competition is more fierce compared with the medical beauty. It is suggested to pay attention to the target with strong performance stability + the "small ticket" with low market attention but the performance has been continuously verified. There are two investment paths: 1) the cosmetics pattern is changing rapidly, so the market values the target with strong performance stability; 2) the emerging brands may break through, so it is recommended to pay attention to the small tickets with low market attention but strong performance explosion. The new track investment opportunity to grasp the industry dividend is still a high-profile track. Suggest attention: cultivate diamond, month center, invisible orthodontics.

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