

Liu He wrote in People's Daily: High quality development must be achieved

人民日報 ·  Nov 24, 2021 08:56

The Resolution of the CPC Central Committee on the Party's Major achievements and Historical experience over the past 100 years adopted by the sixth Plenary session of the 19th CPC Central Committee (hereinafter referred to as "the resolution") emphasizes that it is necessary to realize the high-quality development of innovation as the first driving force, coordination as an endogenous feature, green as a universal form, opening up as the only way, and sharing as the fundamental goal, so as to promote the quality, efficiency and power changes of economic development. The realization of high-quality development is the unity of the history, practice and theory of China's economic and social development, and the fundamental way to start a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way and to achieve the second centenary goal. We should deeply understand the spiritual essence of the "resolution" and run high-quality development through all aspects and links of economic and social development.

First, the realization of high-quality development is the unity of history, practice and theory of China's economic and social development.

Reviewing the history of the party over the past century, our party has constantly summed up both positive and negative experiences in the process of leading the people of the whole country to carry out revolution, construction, and reform, and grasped the historical characteristics of different stages in the light of China's historical tradition, cultural accumulation, and basic national conditions. carry out wise practical exploration, rise to ideological theory in time, guide practice more scientifically, and create two miracles of rapid economic development and long-term social stability.

From a historical point of view, high-quality development was formed by our party in the process of promoting economic construction to an advanced form. Moving towards high-quality development is a historical process. In the early days of the founding of New China, China's economic and social development is facing a poor situation, the state concentrated resources to establish an independent and relatively complete industrial system and national economic system in a short period of time. The third Plenary session of the 11th CPC Central Committee stressed the need to shift the focus of the work of the whole party and the attention of the people of the whole country to the socialist modernization drive and put forward the task of reform and opening up. The 12th CPC National Congress put forward the goal of economic construction to quadruple the annual output value of industry and agriculture by the end of the 20th century. After a period of time, China's economy has experienced a stage of accelerated development, the production potential has been continuously released, the factors of production have been effectively utilized, and the economic scale has become larger and larger. At the same time, the mode of economic growth is relatively extensive, the economic structure is unreasonable, energy, resources, environment and other constraints have become increasingly prominent, and the transformation of the mode of economic development has increasingly attracted the attention of the CPC Central Committee. The 13th CPC National Congress emphasized the problems of economic benefits and economic structure, and proposed to gradually shift from extensive management to intensive management, and the 15th CPC National Congress put forward the strategy of sustainable development. the 17th CPC National Congress further defined the strategic task of speeding up the transformation of the mode of economic development. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era. The CPC Central Committee has proposed to adapt, grasp and lead the new normal of economic development and unswervingly implement the new concept of development. According to the major changes in the development stage and the principal social contradiction, the 19th CPC National Congress clearly pointed out that China's economy has changed from the stage of rapid growth to the stage of high-quality development.

From a practical point of view, high-quality development is the need of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way. Practice calls for high-quality development. At present, the principal contradiction in our society has been transformed into the contradiction between the people's growing needs for a better life and unbalanced and inadequate development. The essence of imbalance and inadequacy is the low quality of development. In the economic system, some areas of our economy are close to modernization, some are semi-modern, and some are very inefficient and outdated. At the present stage, the production function of our country is changing, the factor conditions, combination mode and allocation efficiency of economic development are changing, the hard constraints are obviously increasing, and the constraints of resources and environment are getting closer and closer to the upper limit. Carbon neutralization has become an important framework for China's medium-and long-term development, and high-quality development and scientific and technological innovation have become the process of finding the optimal solution under multiple constraints. In the stage of building a well-off society in an all-round way, we mainly solve the problem of quantity; in the stage of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, we must solve the problem of quality and achieve sustained growth in quantity in the course of substantial improvement in quality.

From a theoretical point of view, high-quality development is an important theoretical innovation for our party to grasp the law of development from practice to re-practice. The theory of economic development must keep pace with the times. Marxist epistemology emphasizes that new theory comes from new practice, and new practice needs new theoretical guidance. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has made judgments that economic development is facing "three stages of superposition" and that economic development has entered a new normal, and stressed that heroes cannot be simply regarded as the growth rate of GDP. Supply-side structural reform must be deepened. The 19th CPC National Congress made a judgment on the transition of China's economy to the stage of high-quality development, and the "resolution" further emphasized high-quality development. These ideas are interlinked and systematically answer the questions of "how to look at the economic situation" and "how to do economic work". The important exposition of promoting high-quality development, together with the new normal of economic development, deepening supply-side structural reform, overall development and security, implementing the new development concept, constructing a new development pattern, and so on, it has become an important part of Xi Jinping's socialist economic thought with Chinese characteristics in the new era and the latest achievement of Marxist political economy. These important thoughts are the fundamental ideological guarantee for the historic achievements and historic changes in China's economic development since the 18th CPC National Congress, and are the important guiding ideology that must be adhered to for a long time in the process of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way.

Second, scientifically grasp the connotation requirements of high-quality development

High-quality development is the development that embodies the new concept of development, and we must adhere to the unity of innovation, coordination, green, open and shared development.

(1) High-quality development is people-centered development. Human is the basic component of the economic system, which involves both demand and supply. It is not only the main body of consumption, but also the main body of production and innovation, and the most dynamic factor of production. Meeting the needs of the people is not only the fundamental purpose of socialist production, but also the fundamental force to promote high-quality development. The new growth point and new driving force of China's economy are contained in solving the outstanding problems of common concern of the people, and arise in the process of improving the quality of human capital. High-quality development is to return to the origin of development and maximize the social utility of the overwhelming majority of people. Entering the new stage of development, the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core puts the realization of common prosperity of all people in a more important position. We must persist in promoting common prosperity by promoting high-quality development and joint hard struggle. We must mobilize the positive performance of the whole society most widely and effectively, improve the quality and professional skills of human capital, expand middle-income groups, and refrain from egalitarianism. Do not kill the rich to help the poor, kill the rich to lead to poverty, avoid falling into the welfarist trap, and enter modernization together through the joint efforts of more than 1.4 billion people.

(2) High-quality development is the development of enhanced macroeconomic stability. Economic growth tends to fluctuate periodically, but ups and downs will destroy factors of production and social wealth. From the history of economic growth of various countries, some fast-growing economies often fail after their economic ups and downs. Under the condition that the world is facing great changes not seen in a century and the global economy is full of uncertainty, macro-stability has become a scarce resource. High-quality development should pay more attention to power from the supply side and enhance economic stability by optimizing the economic structure. The macro-economy is an uninterruptible continuous process, and we should always adhere to the general tone of making progress in the midst of stability. The "resolution" proposes to improve macroeconomic governance, innovate ideas and methods of macro-control, and enhance macro-policy autonomy. We should continue to do a good job in implementation, especially in view of economic fluctuations, do a good job in cross-cyclical design and counter-cyclical adjustment of macro policies, and strengthen expectation management. The shift from rapid growth to high-quality development is a period in which risks are prone to high incidence. We must adhere to bottom-line thinking, prevent and defuse all kinds of major risks, especially systemic risks, and strive to fundamentally prevent and resolve all kinds of risks with high-quality development. to achieve a long-term balance between stable growth and risk prevention.

(3) competitive enterprises are the micro-basis for high-quality development. High-quality development must take the cultivation of excellent enterprises with core competitiveness as an important starting point of all kinds of economic policies and truly lay a solid micro-foundation of a high-standard market system. As long as enterprises have a good economy, residents have employment, the government has tax revenue, finance has support, and society has security. At present, China's large enterprises are large but not strong. Although the number of China's top 500 enterprises has ranked first in the world in the past two years, it mainly depends on scale, and there is still a gap between innovation leadership, international competitiveness and the world-class level. A large number of small enterprises have strong vitality, but they have the phenomenon of weak market competitiveness and insufficient upgrading ability. State-owned enterprises should continue to deepen reform and participate in market competition in an efficient and fair manner. A large number of private enterprises should develop in the direction of "specialization and innovation" and unify the adventurous entrepreneurial spirit with the standardization of corporate governance. Foreign-funded enterprises are very important for achieving high-quality development. They should encourage the introduction of more competitive products, technologies and services, create value and achieve mutual benefit and win-win results in a higher level of competition. Entrepreneurs are factor integrators, market pioneers and innovation promoters. Entrepreneurs are like fish, they swim over when the water temperature is right. It is necessary to create a good market environment for entrepreneurs and enable them to play a role.

(4) High-quality development is innovation-driven development. General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out: we must adhere to the core position of innovation in the overall situation of China's modernization drive. The CPC Central Committee has raised the importance of innovation to an unprecedented level. Innovation-driven is a defining feature of high-quality development, high-quality development is the development of innovation as the first driving force, only innovation-driven can promote China's economy from extension expansion to connotative development. We must fully realize that due to the profound changes in the world and national conditions, scientific and technological innovation is not only a development issue for China, but also a survival issue. The key to successfully crossing the middle-income trap lies in whether it can realize the leap from factor input-driven to technological innovation-driven. Since the end of World War II, many countries have started the process of industrialization and even briefly crossed the middle-income threshold, but only a few countries have really crossed the middle-income trap and become developed countries, such as South Korea, Singapore, Israel and so on. all of these countries occupy a key position in global innovation and the division of labor in the industrial chain. The improvement of total factor productivity, labor productivity, the contribution rate of science and technology, and the accumulation of human capital are all directly related to innovation. The resolution stresses that we should adhere to the strategy of innovation-driven development. It is necessary to strengthen the national strategic scientific and technological strength, strengthen basic research, speed up the capture of "sticking neck" technology in important areas, and master more "trump card" technology. The ability of basic research is the source of national innovation vitality, which must be greatly strengthened. Breaking through a key technology can often create a subdivided industry, then invigorate the whole industry, and finally give a positive impetus to the high-quality development of the whole economy. It is necessary to adjust and optimize the scientific and technological structure, truly form an innovation system with enterprises as the main body, give full play to the leading and supporting role of large enterprises, support small and medium-sized enterprises to become an important birthplace of innovation, and strengthen international cooperation in the field of innovation. Strengthen the creation, protection and application of intellectual property rights. We will improve the incentive mechanism for scientific and technological innovation and the mechanism for scientific and technological evaluation, and properly implement mechanisms such as "military writ", "uncovering the list", and "contracting and working system" of scientific research funds. We will reform the management of scientific research funds and give scientists greater power to determine technical routes, control funds and dispatch resources. We will explore giving scientific researchers the right to ownership and long-term use of scientific and technological achievements. Speed up the formation and implementation of an evaluation system that is conducive to the dedicated research and innovation of scientific and technological talents.

(5) High-quality development should adhere to the internationalization of marketization and the rule of law. High-quality development needs to strengthen the market mechanism, form healthy competition, reduce institutional transaction costs, and establish a unified, open, competitive and orderly high-standard market system. The socialist market economy is essentially an economy ruled by law, which must be guided by the protection of property rights, maintenance of contracts, unified market, equal exchange, fair competition and effective supervision, and improve the legal system of the socialist market economy. to provide a fair, stable and predictable legal environment for the activities of market subjects. High-quality development should be dynamically promoted in high-level international competition, promote institutional openness such as rules, supervision and standards, and enhance the attractiveness of the Chinese market and the international competitiveness of Chinese enterprises. Marketization, legalization and internationalization complement each other, which is the basic institutional requirement for cultivating and attracting global first-class elements and high-quality micro-subjects, which must be promoted in an all-round way to build a more mature and stereotyped socialist market economic system.

(6) High-quality development is the priority of ecological green development. Green is the background of high-quality development. General Secretary Xi Jinping repeatedly stressed that "Green water and green mountains are Jinshan and Silver Mountains," and that mountains, rivers, forests, fields, lakes, grass and sand is a community of life, and it is necessary to integrate protection and systematic management. We will promote major projects for the protection and restoration of important ecosystems and build an ecological security barrier system. Implement the strictest eco-environmental protection system. To achieve high-quality development, it is necessary to gradually and orderly realize the comprehensive green and low-carbon transformation of China's production and life style under the framework of carbon peak carbon neutralization, which is an extensive and profound systematic economic and social change. It is necessary to adhere to the systematic concept, make overall efforts to promote carbon neutralization, and establish the relationship between development and emission reduction, overall and local, short-term and medium-and long-term in accordance with the principle of "national overall planning, giving priority to saving, two-wheel drive, smooth internal and external flow, and preventing risks." It is necessary to improve the green and low-carbon policy and market system, and give full play to the incentive and restraint role of the market mechanism. In-depth study of China's current coal-based energy structure, how to achieve green and low-carbon development. We will solve eco-environmental problems in promoting green and low-carbon development, promote major breakthroughs in green and low-carbon technology, and speed up the formation of industrial structure, mode of production, lifestyle and spatial pattern that conserve resources and protect the environment. We will deeply participate in global environment and climate governance and guide international cooperation in tackling climate change.

Third, strengthen the driving force and guarantee for achieving high-quality development

High-quality development is the theme of a development stage in the future. it is necessary to conscientiously implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and the second, third, fourth, Fifth, and sixth Plenary sessions of the 19th CPC Central Committee, identify the contradictions faced in the course of development, and adhere to problem orientation. in the face of major constraints in all aspects, we should speed up the transformation of all aspects of work into the track of high-quality development.

First, it is necessary to speed up the construction of a new development pattern. The CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core has proposed to speed up the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic great cycle as the main body and the domestic and international double cycles promote each other, which is a major strategy to promote high-quality development. At present, the poor circulation of the national economy and industry is a prominent contradiction that we are facing. It is necessary to take scientific and technological innovation as the key to smooth the domestic cycle and concentrate our efforts on tackling key core technologies. It is necessary to give full play to China's super-large-scale market advantages, provide application scenarios for new products and new technologies new business type iteration, and promote the optimization and upgrading of the supply chain industry chain. It is necessary to rely on the domestic cycle to attract high-quality goods and resource elements around the world, enhance the stickiness of the supply chain, stabilize the layout of the industrial chain, and promote a smoother domestic and international cycle. It is necessary to better coordinate development and security, and firmly adhere to the bottom line of safety.

Second, we should take deepening supply-side structural reform as the main line. The main contradiction facing China's economic operation is on the supply side, and the key to achieving high-quality development is to improve the level and quality of the supply system so as to better adapt, lead and create new demand. We will strengthen the real economy and speed up the construction of a manufacturing power. It is necessary to deepen the structural reform on the financial supply side, strengthen the reform of the governance structure, improve the ability and level of the financial system to serve the real economy, promote the coordinated development of the real economy and finance, and realize the high-level cycle of "science and technology-industry-finance". The capital market plays an important role in financial operation. It is necessary to adhere to the principle of "building a system, non-intervention and zero tolerance" and create a standardized, transparent, open, dynamic and resilient capital market so that it will become a hub for promoting scientific and technological innovation and the transformation and upgrading of the real economy. Adapt to the trend of digitization, develop the digital economy, promote the technological transformation of traditional industries, and develop strategic emerging industries. In the process of persisting in taking supply-side structural reform as the main line, we should attach importance to demand-side management, adhere to the strategic basic point of expanding domestic demand, and always organically combine expanding domestic demand with deepening supply-side structural reform. Moderately ahead of time for infrastructure construction. We will implement carbon neutralization in an orderly manner, strengthen national overall planning, improve energy consumption control mechanisms, and promote the elimination of backward production capacity through market competition. We will implement the strategy of coordinated regional development and create a high-quality growth pole. It is necessary to adhere to the positioning that houses are used for living and not for speculation. according to urban policies and classified guidance, we should strive to stabilize land prices, stabilize housing prices, stabilize expectations, implement a long-term mechanism for the real estate market, and meet the needs of residents for high-quality housing. better solve the housing problem of residents, and promote the steady and healthy development and virtuous circle of the real estate industry.

Third, we must always adhere to reform and opening up. Socialist modernization is a dynamic process of continuous adjustment, reform and improvement. As we enter a new stage of development and promote high-quality development, the task of reform is even more complex and arduous. We must emancipate our minds and, with a pioneering spirit and professional attitude, promote major breakthroughs in key areas and key links of reform and opening up. We will focus on promoting that the prices of land, finance, science and technology, data and other factors are determined by the market, straighten out the energy price mechanism such as coal and electricity, encourage the development of green energy, and expand the breadth and depth of reform around improving the efficiency of resource allocation, unblocking the economic cycle, and strengthening effective incentives. China's policy of opening up to the outside world will not change, will not change today, and will not change in the future. It is necessary to promote the transformation of China's opening up from the flow of commodities and factors to institutional opening up such as rules, and speed up the construction of an institutional system and regulatory model that links up with international rules. Participation in market competition in developed economies and the introduction of high-tech and high-quality direct investment from developed economies should be regarded as important aspects of improving the level of opening up to the outside world. We will promote the high-quality development of the "Belt and Road Initiative" and achieve high-quality introduction and high-level going out. We will promote the improvement of the global economic governance system, hold high the banner of economic globalization, negotiate and actively join high-level free trade agreements, promote the formation of a closer and stable global economic system, and form a positive feedback effect with high-quality domestic development.

Fourth, we must always adhere to the "two unwavering". Our party summed up the experience of socialist construction and formed a socialist basic economic system, such as public ownership as the main body, various forms of ownership developing together, distribution according to work as the main body, various forms of distribution coexisting, and the socialist market economic system. This is a great creation of the party and the people, and we must adhere to, consolidate, improve and develop well. The stability of the basic economic system and the state's major policies is a rigid demand for the micro main body, and to achieve high-quality development, we must properly implement the requirements of the resolution, unswervingly consolidate and develop the public sector of the economy, and unswervingly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public sector of the economy. It is necessary to support the strengthening, optimization and expansion of state-owned capital and state-owned enterprises, and enhance the competitiveness, innovation, control, influence, and anti-risk ability of the state-owned economy. It is necessary to build pro-Qing political and business relations and promote the healthy development of the non-public economy and the healthy growth of people in the non-public sector of the economy. It is necessary to deeply understand the characteristics of social psychology, understand what the market is concerned about and worry about, strengthen the guidance of expectations, improve the level of policy formulation, do a good job in policy evaluation and communication with the market, adhere to problem orientation, and introduce more high-quality policies to serve micro-subjects. Strengthen market supervision and anti-monopoly regulation, prevent the disorderly expansion of capital, maintain market order, and guide the orderly and healthy development of capital elements. To adapt to the development trend of the new economy, we should not only strengthen the supervision of the platform economy, but also encourage the innovation of the platform economy and cultivate first-class platform enterprises with international competitiveness. It is necessary to carry forward the entrepreneurial spirit, fully trust, rely on and respect entrepreneurs, and give full play to the important role of entrepreneurs in promoting enterprise innovation and improving the competitiveness of enterprises.

The 100-year history of the Party has profoundly inspired us that adhering to the leadership of the Party is the fundamental guarantee for our victory. Promoting high-quality development is a profound change related to the overall economic and social situation. We must strengthen the party's unified leadership and strategic planning over economic work, and improve the system and mechanism of the party's leadership over economic work. Under the leadership of the party, it is necessary to accurately judge the historical stage and the principal contradictions faced, formulate a correct and major strategy in the light of the long-term general trend, and persevere to promote it, so as to achieve high-quality development. We have embarked on a new journey of building a modern socialist country in an all-round way, and we should closely revolve around this great historical goal, regard the implementation of the economic decision-making and deployment of the party Central Committee as a political task, shoulder a heavy burden bravely, and dare to shoulder it. to creatively promote all kinds of work in the light of reality. Party members and cadres should undergo training in promoting high-quality development, enhance their enthusiasm and initiative in work, enhance their ability to promote high-quality development, carry forward the spirit of professionalism, and solve various problems encountered with rational thinking. Adhere to problem-oriented and goal-oriented, strengthen investigation and research, and carry out pragmatic work. High-quality development ultimately depends on high-quality talents, and it is necessary to implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech at the Central Talent work Conference, adhere to the party's management of talents, thoroughly implement the strategy of strengthening the country with talents, and deepen the reform of the system and mechanism of talent development. we should train, introduce and make good use of talents in all directions, speed up the construction of important talent centers and innovative highlands in the world, and provide strong talent support for high-quality development.

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