
电子烟进入规范发展轨道 北上资金增持5只概念股

E-cigarette enters the standard development track and goes northward to increase the capital holdings of 5 concept stocks.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 24, 2021 07:00
According to the public platform of the National Standard Information Service, the status of the National Standard for Electronic cigarettes (20171624-Q-456) has been changed to being drafted, while the Gas Chromatography Standard for the determination of nicotine, Propylene Glycol and Glycerol in Electronic cigarette Liquor (20172264-T-456) is still being approved. In a month's time, the state of the national standard of e-cigarettes has changed again. As early as October, the national standard status of e-cigarettes was changed from being approved to being reviewed. According to the analysis of a number of industry insiders, after the release of the international standard for e-cigarettes, it will further standardize the development of the e-cigarette industry, improve the quality of e-cigarette products, enhance the technical threshold and quality testing capabilities, and ensure the long-term and sustainable development of the industry. Since November, according to the rough calculation of the average transaction price of the interval, five stocks, including Huanxu Electronics, Tianyin Holdings, Dianlian Technology, Jinjia shares and Jiyou shares, have all increased their capital holdings by more than 100 million yuan. (Securities Times)

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