
曠逸國際(01683.HK)配新股集資千二萬 終止配售CB

01683.HK International (01683.HK) raised 20 million in new shares to terminate the placement of CB.

即市頭條 ·  Nov 24, 2021 04:00

01683.HK announced the placement of up to 120 million new shares, equivalent to 16.67 per cent of the enlarged share capital, and the placement price was 0.1yuan, a 9.91 per cent discount from the previous trading day (23rd). The total amount of capital raised is $12 million and the net income is $11.73 million, which is proposed to be used to support construction and supporting services; and general working capital.

At the same time, taking into account the size of the placing and the current market conditions, the agreement to place a total principal of $117 million of three-year convertible bonds has been terminated.

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