
农业农村部等11部门:切实抓好冬春蔬菜生产 确保“菜篮子”产品保供稳价

11 departments, such as the Ministry of Agriculture and villages: do a good job in the production of vegetables in winter and spring to ensure the supply and price of "vegetable baskets" products.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 23, 2021 21:24
Eleven departments, including the Ministry of Agriculture and villages, jointly issued the Circular on doing a good job in the production of vegetables in winter and spring to ensure the stable supply and price of vegetable baskets. The circular requires that it is necessary to steadily improve the self-sufficiency of vegetables, implement the strictest system for the protection of cultivated land, and ensure that the area of vegetable land is stable and the quality of vegetable land continues to improve. It is necessary to strengthen the emergency production and supply capacity of vegetables, formulate and improve emergency plans for vegetable production and market supply in this region, so as to ensure stable market supply and basically stable prices. The "circular" requires that it is necessary to strengthen the monitoring and dispatching of vegetable production, market, reserve, and other information, timely release production and marketing information, do a good job in the connection between production and marketing, implement the policy of "green channel" for the transportation of fresh agricultural products, and ensure rapid transportation between regions. to prevent difficulties in selling and cutting off supply. It is necessary to strengthen departmental cooperation and publicity and guidance to ensure the safe supply of vegetables and other "vegetable baskets" products and maintain normal social order.

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