
商务部:“十四五”时期将降低进口关税和制度性成本 鼓励优质消费品进口

Ministry of Commerce: during the 14th five-year Plan period, import tariffs and institutional costs will be reduced to encourage the import of high-quality consumer goods.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 23, 2021 17:14
The Ministry of Commerce issued the High-quality Development Plan for Foreign Trade during the 14th five-year Plan. The plan proposes to optimize the structure of import and export commodities during the 14th five-year Plan period. Reduce import tariffs and institutional costs. Promote imports from developing countries, especially the least developed countries. We will encourage the import of high-quality consumer goods, expand the import of advanced technology, important equipment and key parts and components, and increase the import of energy and resource products and domestic agricultural products in short supply. We will promote the import and export of green and low-carbon products such as environmental protection and new energy, and actively participate in international cooperation. We will promote high-tech and high value-added equipment enterprises to participate in international cooperation at a higher level. We will promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional labor-intensive industries such as textiles and clothing. We will promote the construction of a high-quality development base for international agricultural trade and increase the proportion of exports of intensive processing and high value-added agricultural products. Cooperate with the international community to crack down on illegal logging, wildlife and other illegal trade.

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