
港股异动 | 教育股继续获资金追捧 思考乐教育(01769)午后飙升逾44% 光正教育(06068)一度涨超30%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Education stocks continue to receive funding and are being sought after, Thinking, Love Education (01769) soared more than 44% in the afternoon, Guangzheng Education (06068) once rose more than 30%

智通財經 ·  Nov 23, 2021 13:56

The Zhitong Finance App learned that market capital continues to pursue education stocks today. Thinking Leh Education (01769) soared more than 44% in the afternoon, while Guangzheng Education (06068) once rose more than 30%. As of press release, Thinking Music Education rose 32.64% to HK$1.91; Guangzheng Education rose 16.67% to HK$1.4; New Higher Education Group (02001) rose 9.26% to HK$4.01; Tianli Education (01773) rose 8.02% to HK$2.02; Maple Leaf Education (01317) rose 5.56% to HK$1.14; and New Oriental Online (01797) rose 5.18% to HK$9.938.938.93.

According to the news, recently, according to the holdings report, Goldman Sachs increased its holdings of New Oriental by 28.37 million shares in the third quarter, an increase of 352%; Goldman Sachs also increased its holdings by 21.38 million shares of Good Future, an increase of 729%, and an increase of 15.1 million shares of Elite Education, an increase of 89% over the previous quarter. In addition, Jinglin Asset added 7.882 million shares of New Oriental in the third quarter, an increase of 1,113% over the previous quarter. Jinglin Asset also added 137,000 shares in the future and continued to hold higher education.

Guosheng Securities said that there were many major policies in the education industry in 2021, and the policy direction of various segments gradually became clear. Taking into account multiple dimensions such as policy robustness, sector growth, competitive pattern, and market space, the leading targets of the private higher education and vocational education segmentation circuit were selected from the top down. In addition, strict supervision policies for K12 extracurricular training have been implemented, and it is recommended to focus on the transformation process of training institutions and the evolution of the quality education and training pattern.

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