
快讯:电子烟板块开盘拉升 集友股份涨停

News flash: the opening of the e-cigarette plate has led to a rise in the limit of Jiyou shares.

新浪財經 ·  Nov 23, 2021 09:40

November 23 news, e-cigarette plate opened up. As of press time, Jiyou shares rose by the limit, while Warburg shares, Tianyin Holdings, Longte Intelligence, Jinjia shares, Shunhao shares, Aipu shares and so on rose.

On the news, November 22, the National Standard Information Service Public platform shows that the state of the National Standard for Electronic cigarettes (20171624-Q-456) has been changed to being drafted, while the status of the Gas Chromatography Standard for the determination of nicotine, Propylene Glycol and Glycerol in Electronic cigarette Liquor (20172264-T-456) is still being approved.

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