
揭秘A股两大领先信号 谁是反弹主力军?

Demystifying the two leading signals of A-shares, who is the main force in the rebound?

腾讯证券 ·  Dec 8, 2017 17:26

The Prev opened low and closed high today, closing up 0.55% at 3289.99 points, while the Shenzhen Composite Index was even stronger, closing 1.24% higher at 10935.06 points. There has been a long-lost general rise in the market, and the secondary new shares rebounded sharply, with a total turnover of 372.8 billion yuan between the two cities.

Is A share rebounding or reversing? Analysis shows that Prev is still a shock bottom stage, although there is room for rise in the short term, but there is a lot of resistance, expectations do not need to be too high; small and medium-sized innovation performance is stronger than the motherboard, whether the reversal can pay attention to two major signals.

In short, there is still a chance to rebound in the short term, but the layout of undervalued and mistakenly killed growth stocks.

There is still room for Prev to rebound, but there is a lot of resistance.

Yuanda Investment Gu: in addition, from the level of the Prev daily line, today's journey is overcast bullish form, although the current volume can not be effectively magnified, but the upward trend can basically be established, and the Shanghai index deviated at the end of 60 minutes and rebounded, but by the upper gap and the 5-day moving average suppressed, it has been high shock in the afternoon, whether the jump gap can be made up is very important. In addition, the amount of energy has been shrinking recently, future breakthroughs still need to be released, and more funds are needed to participate.

Qian Kun investment: the short-term market rebounded for 3 trading days, but it is still negative this week. It is expected that the market will have the opportunity to rebound next week, but the range may not be very large. If you rebound upward, you should pay attention to the pressure of the upper-grade moving average. Friday's high is basically near the 10-day moving average, and it is expected to continue to rebound and break through the 10-day moving average next week, but the upper 20-day moving average area is under greater pressure, so close to this area can be properly considered to reduce positions. Here is only seen as an oversold rebound, in view of the previous weekly line 4 Lianyin counter-pumping.

Tianding Securities: due to the structural existence of the market, whether it is an opportunity to enter the market needs to pay attention to two aspects: the intermediate adjustment target of the market is the annual line and the rising trend line since 2638 points, as the annual line approaches, there is the possibility of B wave rebounding, that is, the opportunity for the market exists, but the rebound is still short-term, and there are short-term opportunities.

China Securities Investment: after a round of decline, the Prev has adjusted the position of the previous 3200-3250 first-line platform, based on which there are a lot of long-to-long funds entering the market, so before the logic of the medium-and long-term shock slow bull trend has not changed, the probability of the index falling below this platform is not high. But long market confidence will take time to recover, to some extent, will also curb the market rebound space. The short-term market will shake around 3300 points.

Tianding Securities: due to the structural existence of the market, whether it is an opportunity to enter the market needs to pay attention to two aspects: the intermediate adjustment target of the market is the annual line and the rising trend line since 2638 points, as the annual line approaches, there is the possibility of B wave rebounding, that is, the opportunity for the market exists, but the rebound is still short-term, and there are short-term opportunities.

Wechat official account "Zhu Lirong": today, the major indexes have gone up one after another. Yesterday (December 7) was the time for us to change the market. Today, the Prev once again explored the support of the white line of the bull-bear line, and then began a rapid counterattack. Critical time, key points, closing Yang, the end of the market adjustment, is expected to start a counterattack, individual stocks are waiting to rise.

The gem is brewing the main rising market? Pay close attention to these two signals

The official Wechat account "the King who outperforms the market": pay close attention to these two signals. As the current gem transaction volume is close to 1641 points, so the next Kanban point is very simple, regardless of whether the index can continue to fall, as long as the transaction amount gradually shrinks, then there is less and less worry about plummeting. That is to say, in the last few trading days, the death trading volume continues to shrink!

In addition, there is another way to judge the conversion of the bear bull in the stock market, that is, to look at the performance of the brokerage stocks in the chameleon plate, because the brokerage stocks depend on heaven and the market, so the performance of the brokerage stocks in the bull market surpasses the market. In the bear market, the brokerage stocks lead the decline, and if the brokerage stocks can get rid of the bottom, it also represents the beginning of a new bull market.

Source to invest: gem rebounded to close the sun, but there was a shadow line, indicating that the pressure above increased, and the intraday impact of 1800 points, although finally was laid down, but there is an impulse to show that the market has such an expectation, the lower KDJ continues to diverge upward, rising can not be achieved overnight, and there is a shock process in the future.

Who is the main force of A-share rebound?

Galaxy Securities: with the continuous extension of the time and space for the decline of the stock index, a short-term phased bottom is expected to appear. But opportunities often fall out, with valuation advantages and performance growth of the wrong kill stocks are expected to be the first to usher in the overfall rebound market.

Wechat official account "Investment Eye A": the rebound time will not be too long, if there can be a week would be very good. There may be two more dips in the future, so we should do it as soon as possible. The opportunity for the future should still be in the growth stocks that have been undervalued and mistakenly killed.

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