

TransAsia International Industrial (01143.HK): 558.9989 million shares offered were effectively accepted and applied for

格隆滙 ·  Nov 22, 2021 17:52

Gelonghui November 22nd 丨TransAsia International Industrial (01143.HK) announced,Overall, a total of 14 provisional quota notices and additional application forms for a total of 55,898,954 shares have been received, which is equivalent to approximately 18.14% of the total number of shares available for subscription under the offering category of 308,121,285 shares.

Based on the above results, the share offering shortfall was 252,222,331 shares available for shares, which is equivalent to about 81.86% of the total number of shares available for subscription under the stock offering category of 308,121,285 shares.

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