
实行政府指导价 北京学科类校外培训拟分三种班型收费

The implementation of the government-guided price for out-of-school training of disciplines in Beijing will be divided into three types of class fees.

證券時報 ·  Nov 17, 2021 16:36

The new charging rules for off-campus training institutions of compulsory education in Beijing are about to be launched.

Recently, Beijing Development Reform and relevant departments drafted the Beijing measures for the Administration of fees for out-of-School training of disciplines at the stage of compulsory Education in Beijing (draft for soliciting opinions) (hereinafter referred to as the "Management measures"). The "Management measures" clearly defines the implementation of government-guided price management for out-of-school discipline training at the stage of compulsory education in Beijing, dividing pricing classes into three types, with a floating range of no more than 10%.

In fact, Hunan, Shaanxi and other places have recently introduced relevant management measures for out-of-school training fees. With the development of education and training institutions, relevant government-guided price management policies are expected to be introduced one after another to become a consensus in the industry.

"as out-of-school training institutions must complete the conversion from business to non-business by the end of the year, local measures for the management of fees for out-of-school training of disciplines at the stage of compulsory education will also be introduced one after another, which is the detailed landing of the double reduction policy." Xiong Bingqi, director of the 21st Century Education Research Institute, told the Securities Times e Company reporter.

Chu Zhaohui, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of Educational Sciences, also told e company that according to the requirements of the double reduction policy, off-campus training institutions need to standardize fees to become non-profit organizations. "the price guided by local governments can also be regarded as the implementation of the policy rules. Taking into account the differences between off-campus training institutions and public schools, in the course of operation, it is necessary for relevant departments to scientifically calculate the cost and proportion of out-of-school training institutions."

It is proposed to be divided into three types of class fees.

On November 16, according to the Capital window website, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, together with relevant departments, drafted the Beijing Municipal measures for the Administration of fees for out-of-School training of disciplines at the stage of compulsory Education (for trial implementation) (hereinafter referred to as the "Administrative measures"), and openly solicited opinions from the public from November 16 to December 15, 2021.

According to the requirements of the Administrative measures, there will be three main types of off-campus training pricing classes, which are less than 10, 10-35 and more than 35 respectively. At the same time, the standard course duration of online training is 30 minutes, while that of offline training is 45 minutes. If the actual duration is not the same, it will be converted by the training institutions on a pro rata basis.

Specifically, Beijing will take the standard course duration of offline classes of 10-35 students as the benchmark fee for off-campus training. The fees for off-campus training of other classes shall be calculated and determined by the training institutions in accordance with the prescribed price comparison coefficient with the class type of 10-35 students. The standard of online charges shall be calculated and determined by the training institutions in accordance with the prescribed price comparison coefficient with offline charges.

It is worth noting that at the time of actual pricing, the benchmark fee will also be set by the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Department in conjunction with the municipal education administrative department, based on the average training cost of training institutions, taking into account the level of economic development in Beijing, the affordability of students' families and other factors, and reasonably formulate the benchmark fees and floating range for out-of-school training of standard courses. According to the requirements, the floating range is no more than 10% up and no limit to the bottom.

In terms of strengthening the disclosure of charging information, the "Administrative measures" require training institutions to disclose to the public in advance the contents of out-of-school training of disciplines, training duration, charging standards, charging and refund methods, teachers' qualifications, and so on. Strengthen the public welfare attribute of off-campus training of disciplines, establish a cost disclosure system for training institutions, and require training institutions to disclose information such as the cost of the previous year on the official website and school-running places every year.

The relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission said that the introduction of the management measures will provide long-term targeted norms for the management of fees for out-of-school training of disciplines in Beijing, which will help to give better play to the joint force of government supervision and social supervision. we will promote the reduction of students' family education expenditure burden and guide training institutions to return to public welfare.

It is understood that at present, the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission and the Beijing Municipal Education Commission will study the government-guided price standards for off-campus training fees for disciplines in accordance with the requirements of the state, which will be introduced in the near future.

Local measures have been introduced one after another.

In July 2021, the state issued the opinions on further reducing the burden of homework and out-of-school training of students in compulsory education, making comprehensive arrangements for the "double reduction" work, in which it is clearly required to strengthen the supervision of training fees. Fees for out-of-school training of subjects at the stage of compulsory education will be included in the management of government-guided prices.

In September 2021, the National Development and Reform Commission, the Ministry of Education and the General Administration of Market Supervision issued the Circular on strengthening the Supervision of fees for out-of-School training in compulsory Education, stipulating the pricing principle and scope, pricing authority, strengthening cost investigation, etc., to guide all localities to formulate and implement government-guided price policies, and to do a good job in the disclosure of charging information and supervision of charging behavior.

In this context, Beijing has issued measures for the management of fees for out-of-school training of compulsory education subjects. In fact, with the development of off-campus teaching and training institutions, relevant departments around the country are issuing relevant government-guided price management policies.

On November 16, the Hunan Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the Provincial Department of Education, and the Provincial Market Supervision Administration jointly issued the Circular on issues related to out-of-school training fees for disciplines at the stage of compulsory Education, which made clear requirements on how to reasonably formulate charging standards and how to standardize charging behavior. The Circular shall enter into force as of November 16, 2021 and will be valid for five years.

On November 15, the official website of the Shaanxi Provincial Development and Reform Commission published the notice of the Shaanxi Provincial Education Department, Shaanxi Provincial Market Supervision and Administration Bureau on strengthening the supervision of out-of-school training fees for disciplines at the stage of compulsory education in our province. The notice is clear: fees for off-campus training of online and offline disciplines at the stage of compulsory education are charged by non-profit organizations, and government-guided price management is implemented in accordance with the law. The benchmark fee standard and floating range shall be determined by the government.

Xiong Bingqi told the Securities Times e Company that since out-of-school training institutions must complete the "conversion from operation to non-operation" by the end of the year, local measures for the management of fees for out-of-school training of disciplines at the stage of compulsory education will also be introduced one after another, which is the detailed landing of the double reduction policy. "the charging standards guided by the government will also be adjusted to local conditions, and the fees for out-of-school discipline training in different regions are also different, but the overall principle is the same. Discipline training can only be carried out before the end of the year. Local government pricing for operating and reforming non-educational institutions will also be introduced."

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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