

Afternoon comment: the Prev rose 0.29% in early trading, alcohol stocks showed a strong trend, and consumer stocks such as pharmaceuticals and household appliances rose.

證券時報APP ·  Nov 16, 2021 11:40

November 16, Prev opened slightly lower, intraday shock pulled higher, Shenzhen Composite Index, gem index also rose; in the industry, alcohol stocks are strong, household, medicine, home appliances and other sectors are stronger; aviation, coal, environmental protection, automobiles and other sectors weakened; morning turnover in the two cities exceeded 660 billion yuan, and northward net capital inflow exceeded 4 billion yuan.

By the midday close, the Prev index was up 0.29% at 3543.46 points, the Shenzhen Composite Index was up 0.51%, and the gem index was up 0.33%. The total turnover between the two markets was 665.4 billion yuan, with a net purchase of 4.27 billion yuan from northward funds.

On the market, alcohol stocks rose sharply, Gujing Gongjiu and Hainan Coconut Island rose by the daily limit, up more than 7% in this life, Guizhou Moutai rose 2.68% and returned to above 1800 yuan; sectors such as medicine, health care, home appliances and home furnishings were stronger; sectors such as aviation, coal, environmental protection, insurance, non-ferrous metals and automobiles were weaker; and NMN concepts and meta-universe concepts were active.

With regard to the current market trend, Guosheng Securities pointed out that it is currently in a performance window, and the theme market is more active. Structurally, there are differences among institutions on the space in which the fundamentals of the mainstream track exceed expectations, resulting in a continuous horizontal adjustment of the high-prosperity track. The reason is that the increase is too large and the short-term track is too crowded. The current time point is in the allocation of positions, due to the downward economic boom and reduced risk appetite of investors, "low valuation" has become the most suitable plate for layout in the short term. it is suggested that we should pay attention to the necessary consumption, dairy products and upstream price increases in vehicles, lithium batteries, consumer electronics and other sectors with a large range of pre-adjustment.

Northeast Securities said that the performance vacuum high boom industry continues to support the market, micro-liquidity and risk appetite marginal improvement, A-share short-term into the New year market. (1) historically, the industry boom has a positive impact on the market performance during the vacuum period from November to January of the following year, with high levels of new energy, semiconductors and military industry during the current vacuum period. (2) the landing of the Federal Reserve Taper and the relaxation of domestic real estate financing have led to the marginal improvement of macro liquidity expectations; although foreign capital inflows may fluctuate, newly issued funds have rebounded at a low level, while financing and retail investors may rise due to increased risk appetite. (3) the holding of the Central Economic Conference, the relaxation of real estate financing and the dialogue between China and the United States may boost risk appetite in the short term. In terms of industry configuration, we focus on the cyclical growth of new energy, semiconductors, military industry, medicine and other growth sectors, expected improvements in auto parts, food and TMT, as well as policy-oriented mass consumption and new infrastructure.

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