
建桥教育(01525.HK):非执行董事赵东辉受让公司16.87%股份 将成为主要股东

Bridge Construction Education (01525.HK): Zhao Donghui, a non-executive director, will become a major shareholder by transferring 16.87% of the company's shares.

格隆滙 ·  Nov 3, 2021 22:10

01525.HK announced that the company was informed by the company's chairman, executive director and controlling shareholder Zhou Xingzeng that on November 3, 2021 (during the non-trading period), She De Limited, Gan En Limited, Zhou XingzengAnd Ai Xin Limited entered into a share purchase agreement, under which She De Limited and Gan En Limited agreed to sell 50 million and 20 million common shares of the Company to Ai Xin Limited, accounting for approximately 12.05% and 4.82% of the total number of shares issued by the Company as at the date of the announcement, respectively, at a consideration of HK $6.05 per share (a premium of approximately 20.76% over the closing price of HK $5.01 per share quoted by the Stock Exchange on the date of the announcement).

Both She De Limited and Gan En Limited are increased by Zhou Xing.Ai Xin Limited is wholly owned by Zhao Donghui, a non-executive director and shareholder of the company. Upon completion of the above transfer of shares, (I)Zhou Xingzeng, Zheng Xiangzhan and Shi Yinjie will no longer be the controlling shareholders of the company, but will have interests in 35.7 million shares, 30.6 million shares and 12.1 million shares, accounting for about 8.60%, 7.37% and 2.92% of the total issued shares respectively at the date of the announcement. And (ii) Zhao Donghui will become a major shareholder of the company, having an interest in 100 million shares, accounting for approximately 24.10% of the total number of shares issued at the date of the announcement (excluding the pledged shares disclosed in the company's announcement dated June 11, 2021).

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