
MTU Aero's Updated Guidance on Margins Seen as a Positive -- Market Talk

MTU Aero's Updated Guidance on Margins Seen as a Positive -- Market Talk

MTU Aero最新的利潤率指引被視為積極的市場言論
Dow Jones Newswires ·  2021/10/29 16:11

0811 GMT - MTU Aero narrowed its 2021 guidance saying it now expects adjusted EBIT margin to come at the upper end of its previous range of 10% to 10.5% after reporting third-quarter adjusted EBIT 4% above consensus despite sales missing expectations, Citi says. The German aircraft engine manufacturer also narrowed its 2021 sales guidance and now expects sales between EUR4.3 billion and EUR4.4 billion, which is the lower end of its previous range. "We'd characterize these results/guidance narrowing as incrementally positive - the mid-point of inferred profit moves up, but is still below consensus, the cash conversion is good, but sales expectations lower," the bank says. MTU Aero trades 1.7% higher at EUR190.60. (

0811GMT-花旗表示,MTU Aero縮小了2021年的指引,表示現在預計調整後的EBIT利潤率將位於之前10%至10.5%的區間的上端,此前該公司報告稱,儘管銷售額低於預期,但第三季度調整後的EBIT比共識高出4%。這家德國飛機發動機制造商也縮小了2021年的銷售指引,目前預計銷售額在43億歐元至44億歐元之間,這是之前區間的低端。該行表示:“我們將這些業績/指引的收窄描述為漸進式的積極--推斷利潤的中點有所上升,但仍低於共識,現金轉換情況良好,但銷售預期較低。”MTU Aero股價上漲1.7%,至190.60歐元。(

