
金风科技(002202):Q3销量环比大幅提升 3-4S平台机组已成主流

Xinjiang Goldwind Science & Technology (002202): Q3 sales have increased significantly compared with the previous month. 3-4S platform units have become the mainstream.

東吳證券 ·  Oct 27, 2021 00:00

Main points of investment

2021Q3's parent net profit was 1.164 billion yuan, an increase of 47% over the same period last year and 33% month-on-month, in line with market expectations. According to the company's three-quarter report for 2021, the company's 2021Q1-3 achieved operating income of 33.55 billion yuan, down 9.40% from the same period last year, and the net profit attributed to the parent company was 3.013 billion yuan, an increase of 45.61% over the same period last year. Of this total, 2021Q3 achieved operating income of 15.647 billion yuan, down 11.13% from the same period last year, up 41.20% from the previous year; and realized net profit belonging to the parent company of 1.164 billion yuan, up 46.58% from the same period last year and 32.84% from the previous year. Under the pressure of rising raw material costs and credit impairment, the rapid growth of shipments in the third quarter led to a rapid increase in net profit compared with the same period last year.

Fan sales increased rapidly compared with the previous month + the proportion of large models continued to increase, and the gross profit margin increased year-on-year. In 2021, Q1-Q3 achieved external sales of unit capacity 6.35GW, down 23.67% from the same period last year; among them, Q3 sold unit capacity 3.38GW, down 19.78% from the same period last year, up 80.40% from the previous month, and sales increased significantly compared with the same period last year. The comprehensive gross profit margin of Q1-3 was 26.28%, up 9.02% from the same period last year, up 24.34% from the same period last year, 7.23pct was up from the same period last year, and 3.38pct was down from the previous year. The main reasons for the increase in gross profit margin compared with the same period last year are as follows: 1) the shipping structure has improved. Q1-3 large models 3S/4S and 6S/8S accounted for 39.56% and 23.42%, which increased 30.25pct and 19.28pct compared with the same period last year. The gross profit margin of large models is higher, resulting in an improvement in profit structure. 2) the cost has dropped rapidly, the cost of the industrial chain has been reduced, the purchase prices of some parts and components have been reduced, and the superimposed company has enhanced product design technology to achieve a rapid reduction in cost.

Fan business orders-on-hand increase, follow-up performance increment can be expected. Since the beginning of this year, the bidding price of wind turbine has continued to decline, and by September 2021, the average price in the public bidding market has fallen to 2300-2400 yuan / KW, fully stimulating demand, and the company's on-hand orders continue to rise. By the end of Q3 in 2021, the company has orders in hand 16.3GW, in which external orders total 15.1GW, external signed contracts to be executed orders 13.3GW, external bid-winning unsigned contract orders are 1.75GW. And external orders are still dominated by 3S/4S platform, accounting for 63%, which is the largest platform product of the company. MSPM (medium speed permanent magnet products) has been recognized in the market in a short time, and the scale of on-hand orders exceeds that of 670MW, accounting for about 5%. We believe that there is little room for fan prices to fall in the short term, and the profits of second-and third-tier enterprises may decline as a result. The company accelerates cost reduction by increasing the proportion of large-scale products, large-scale production, de-redundancy and other ways, and the follow-up performance increment can be expected.

Sales fan received an increase in accounts + a decrease in the advance of raw materials, and the cash flow of the company's operating activities returned to the normal level.

The net cash flow of 2021Q1-3 operating activities of the company was 2.229 billion yuan, down 196.09% from the same period last year, of which the net cash flow of Q3 operating activities was 1.859 billion yuan, and the cash obtained from selling goods was 32.244 billion yuan, down 15.27% from the same period last year. The contract liability at the end of the period was 7.696 billion yuan, 1.85% lower than that at the beginning of the period. The accounts receivable at the end of the period was 22.566 billion yuan, an increase of 1.717 billion yuan over the beginning of the period, and the turnover days of accounts receivable decreased from 34.89 days to 174.55 days. The ending inventory was 7.676 billion yuan, which was 513 million yuan lower than that at the beginning of the period, and the inventory turnover days decreased from 21.52 days to 73.11 days.

Profit forecast and investment rating: based on the rapid improvement of the company's fan sales, the leading position is consolidated. We maintain the 2021-2023 net profit forecast of RMB 41.630.808 billion, a year-on-year increase of 27.9%, 9.8%, 15.5%, corresponding to an EPS of 0.90, 0.99, and 1.14 yuan per share. We give it 22 times PE in 2022, corresponding to the target price of 21.78, and maintain the "Buy" rating.

Risk hints: increased competition, less-than-expected policies, etc.

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