

Beishui sold Tencent more than 400 million Hong Kong dollars; Nanshui sold Midea and Gree both over 1.6 billion yuan

富途資訊 ·  Oct 27, 2021 18:32

Nanxia Capital made net sales of HK$2,218 million today. Yanzhou Coal, Kuaishou, and Geely Auto received net purchases of HK$136 million, HK$128 million, and HK$123 million respectively. Tencent Holdings and China Shenhua received net sales of HK$469 million and HK$435 million respectively.

Northbound Capital made net sales of 3,042 billion yuan, ending 6 consecutive days of net purchases. The siphoning effect in the new energy sector has been remarkable, and foreign investors continue to buy new energy leaders in large quantities.

Tianci Materials, Ganfeng Lithium, and Longji Co., Ltd. received net purchases of 660 million yuan, 430 million yuan and 406 million yuan respectively. Affected by the decline in Gree's performance in the third quarter, household appliances were sold in large quantities. Midea Group had the highest net sales volume, amounting to 1,769 billion yuan, and Gree Electric also received net sales of 1,616 billion yuan.

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