
阿里健康跌近11%市值蒸发180亿港元 预期中期业绩盈转亏至不多于3.2亿元

Alibaba Health Information Technology lost nearly 11% of his market capitalization by HK $18 billion and expected his interim results to turn into a profit and loss of no more than 320 million yuan.

新浪港股 ·  Oct 26, 2021 16:20

October 26th news, Alibaba Health Information TechnologyThe expected interim results turned to a profit and loss of no more than 320 million yuan compared with the same period last year, and the share price plunged nearly 11% to HK $10.98, with a market capitalization loss of HK $18 billion.

Alibaba Health Information Technology profit warning: the net loss is expected to be no more than 320 million yuan in the six months to September 30, compared with a net profit of about 279 million yuan in the same period in 2020.

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