

Graphic illustration of the third quarterly report of Jilin Electric Power Co., Ltd.: the net profit in the third quarter increased by 21.80% year on year.

證券之星 ·  Oct 25, 2021 19:00

According to the third quarterly report of 2021, the company's main income was 8.857 billion yuan, up 31.14% over the same period last year; the net profit was 677 million yuan, up 57.87%; the non-net profit was 629 million yuan, up 68.06% from the same period last year; among them, in the third quarter of 2021, the company's main income in a single quarter was 2.553 billion yuan, up 18.85% from the same period last year; the net profit in a single quarter was-26.8679 million yuan, up 21.8% from the same period last year. The non-net profit in a single quarter was-51.7128 million yuan, down 136.56% from the same period last year; the debt ratio was 77.44%, the investment income was 47.4524 million yuan, the financial expenses were 1.203 billion yuan, and the gross profit margin was 25.88%.

There are four new top ten tradable shareholders in this period. Bank of China Ltd. Co., Ltd.-Hua'an Sports and Health theme flexibly allocates 8.6904 million shares of mixed securities investment funds, accounting for 0.4% of tradable shares. China Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Co., Ltd.-BoCom Schroeder trend preferred hybrid securities investment fund holds 8.231018 million shares, accounting for 0.38% of the outstanding shares. CSC FINANCIAL CO.,LTD Co., Ltd.-Tianhong China Securities Investment Fund holds 11.050201 million shares, accounting for 0.51% of tradable shares, while Huaan Fund-Industrial Bank-Guangxi Railway Development Investment Fund (limited partnership) holds 7.812454 million shares, accounting for 0.36% of tradable shares. A total of 1 shareholder increased their holdings, and the Bank of China Ltd. Co., Ltd.-Huatai Barry China Securities Investment Fund increased its holdings by 3.1563 million shares, accounting for 0.74% of the outstanding shares. A total of 2 shareholders reduced their holdings, Hong Kong Securities Clearing Limited reduced its holdings of 33.403232 million shares, accounting for 1.13% of tradable shares, and Wu Fengli reduced its holdings of 2.2258 million shares, accounting for 0.78% of tradable shares.

For a summary of the financial report data, please see the following figure:

This article is compiled by the Securities Star data Center according to the public data and does not constitute investment opinions or suggestions. If there are any questions in the article, please contact us.

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