

CK Hutchison (00001.HK) plans to issue two euro bills and hold an investor conference call today and tomorrow.

久期財經 ·  Oct 25, 2021 17:03

Jiuji Financial News, Cheung Kong Hutchison Industrial Co., Ltd. (CK Hutchison Holdings Limited, referred to as "CK Hutchison", 00001.HKMoody's Corporation: A2 stable, S & P: a stable, Fitch: a-stable) it is proposed to issue Reg S, euro-denominated, 8-year notes and / or 12-year green notes. (MANDATE)

In accordance with its sustainable financing framework, CK Hutchison intends to use all or part of the net income or its equivalent from the proposed 12-year green bill to finance or refinance assets, projects, investments and other related and supporting expenses. The company's sustainable financing framework has received "second-party advice" from independent consultants. Citigroup Inc is a structural consultant for sustainable development.

This issue is issued byBBVA, Citigroup Inc, Oriental Huili, HSBC, ING, Italy's United Bank of S ã o Paulo and Morgan StanleyTo act as the joint ledger and co-lead manager, holding a series of fixed income investor conference calls on October 25 and 26, 2021.

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