

Citic Construction Investment: the year-on-year growth rate of raw milk prices is expected to slow down in the fourth quarter, and slower competition will accelerate the profit release of dairy enterprises.

智通財經 ·  Oct 22, 2021 10:52

Zhitong Financial APP learned that Citic Construction Investment released a research report saying that despite the rapid growth of dairy demand and high base in the third quarter of 2020, the growth rate of dairy consumption in the third quarter of 2021 remained good. Positive factors such as the escalation of consumption after the epidemic, increased public health awareness, and the "three-child birth policy" have brought a new round of development opportunities for the domestic dairy industry. Citic Construction Investment believes that the year-on-year growth rate of raw milk prices is expected to slow in the fourth quarter, the cost pressure of dairy enterprises is reduced, and slower competition will accelerate the release of profits. The dairy industry focuses on Miaoke Lando (600882.SH), China Mengniu Dairy (02319), Yili shares (600887.SH), China Feihe Limited (06186) and New Dairy (002946.SZ).

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