
佳兆业票据遭华人置业连续两日抛售 1亿美元票据亏损5个亿

Kaisa notes were sold by Chinese property buyers for two consecutive days with a loss of US $100 million and a loss of US $500 million.

新浪港股 ·  Oct 22, 2021 08:12

On October 22nd, the Chinese bought their own homes.According to another announcement, on October 21, the company conducted a series of transactions in the market to sell US $52 million worth of sold notes with a total consideration of US $15.42 million (non-interest bearing) and a total interest bearing amount of HK $136 million, with a realized net loss of HK $278 million. The issuer of the bill is a good omen industry.

It is worth noting that on October 21, Chinese property issued an announcement that during the period from October 19 to October 20, 2021 (including the first and last days), the Group sold notes with a total principal of US $48 million through a series of transactions in the over-the-counter market. The total consideration is US $18.307 million (equivalent to approximately HK $143 million) (excluding accrued interest) or US $20.377 million (equivalent to approximately HK $159 million) (including accrued interest).

Among them, the issuer of the bill is Kaisa Group.The proceeds from the sale of Chinese properties totaled 159 million, with a realized loss of HK $226 million. The company intends to use the proceeds from the sale as general working capital initially and for reinvestment when the opportunity arises.

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