

There is a shortage of labor in the UK, and Amazon is offering a bonus of up to £3,000 to recruit people

新浪美股 ·  Oct 20, 2021 14:24

Labor shortages are forcing UK businesses to raise wages to attract and retain employees, nowAmazonsThe British subsidiary also joined the ranks, recruiting personnel for the upcoming shopping season, promising a bonus as long as they sign up, up to £3,000.

The e-commerce giant is currently posting a number of job advertisements with high bonuses all over the UK. One of the positions was as a temporary warehouse worker in Exeter (Exeter), England, with an entry bonus of £3,000, while the signing bonus for one of the company's jobs in London was £2,000. There are many other warehouse positions that offer £1,500 in bonuses.

In London, the basic hourly wage is £11.10 per hour, and overtime pay can be as high as £22.20. According to the job search site Indeed, the average wage of a warehouse worker in the UK is £10.16 per hour.

Amazon's generous signing bonus reflects the current labor shortage problem in various industries in the UK. Currently, there is an estimated shortage of 100,000 truck drivers in the UK. This has led to freight disruptions, empty store shelves, and a backlog of goods at ports and gas stations. Meanwhile, industries including agriculture, warehousing, food processing, and hospitality have warned of a serious shortage of workers.

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