
快讯:恒生科指涨幅扩大至2% 阿里涨超6%快手涨超5%

News flash: the rise of the Hang Seng Science Index expanded to 2%. BABA rose by more than 6%. Kuaishou Technology rose by more than 5%.

新浪港股 ·  Oct 20, 2021 10:04

October 20 news, Hang Seng Technology IndexThe increase expanded to 2%, BABA rose more than 6%, and the share price reached the highest level since August this year. Meituan rose more than 3%. As of October 19, southward funds had bought Meituan for 10 consecutive days. Kuaishou Technology rose more than 5%, Bilibili Inc. rose more than 4%, and Baidu, Inc. rose nearly 4%.

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