
海鑫集团(01850):要约截止 联合要约人及一致行动人士持股高于75%

Haixin Group (01850): At the end of the offer, the joint offeror and the person acting in concert held more than 75% of the shares

智通財經 ·  Oct 11, 2021 19:00

According to the Zhitong Finance App, Haixin Group (01850) and the offenders Great Season Ventures Limited, Lianteng Group Co., Ltd., and Ren Guisheng jointly announced that the offer ended at 4:00 p.m. on 10/11 (Monday), 2021 (Monday), and was not modified or extended by the joint offeror. The joint offeror has received 3 valid acceptations relating to a total of about 30,000 offered shares (accounting for about 0.004% of the company's total issued share capital on the date of this joint announcement). After taking into account the acceptance of shares, the joint offeror and the joint offeror acting in concert have an interest in a total of about 600 million shares (accounting for about 75.00% of the company's total issued share capital on the date of this joint announcement and slightly higher than that ratio).

Immediately after the offer ended, a total of about 200 million shares (accounting for about 25.00% of the company's total issued share capital and slightly less than that ratio) were held by the public. As a result, the 25% minimum public ownership requirement set out in section 8.08 (1) (a) of the listing rules was not met. The joint offerors have jointly and individually committed to the Stock Exchange to take appropriate steps to ensure sufficient public ownership of the shares.

Due to changes in the company's control, Ma Tingwei will resign as the company's executive director and all other positions and positions in the group (including membership of any committee under the board of directors); Chen Minghui, a non-executive director of the company, has also resigned as a non-executive director of the company and all other positions and positions held by the group (including membership of any committee under the board of directors), effective October 12, 2021.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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