

The water sector rose sharply, and nearly 10 shares such as Haina in Deepwater rose by the daily limit, and the measures for the Administration of Water supply prices in cities and towns came into effect on October 1.

金融界 ·  Oct 8, 2021 10:02

China Finance Online Co Ltd net on October 8th news today's water sector rose, deep water Haina, Qianjiang water conservancy, Chongqing water, Zhongshan public, Jiangnan water, Greentown water, state water, such as the limit, Ba'an water, energy-saving Guozhen, Xingrong environment have followed up.

In terms of news, the newly revised measures for the Management of Urban Water supply prices and the measures for Supervision and Audit of Urban Water supply pricing costs will come into effect on October 1, 2021. According to the measures for the Management of Urban Water supply Price, urban water supply is divided into three categories: residential water consumption, non-residential water use and special water use. Residential water consumption shall be subject to a step-by-step water price system, while non-residential and special water consumption shall be subject to an over-quota progressive price increase system. The price mechanism of urban water supply has been continuously improved. Brokers point out that the new rules will replace the old rules that have been in force for about 20 years, and as a tap water supply operator, water units will benefit from the new rules.

Guotai Junan Securities believes that with the implementation of the new rules on water supply prices, the price adjustment mechanism of water companies is clearer, water prices are expected to rise, and factors such as the low water prices that originally suppressed the valuation of water companies have been marginal improved. Recommend water sector, Chongqing water, pioneering environmental protection, Hongcheng environment, Xingrong environment, Beijing Water Control Group, Guangdong Investment, China Water, Everbright Water and so on as the beneficiary targets.

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