
易还财务投资(08079)出售合共198.1万股华夏文化科技(01566)股份 套现245.3万港元

Easy Refund Financial Investment (08079) sold a total of 1,981 million Huaxia Culture Technology (01566) shares to cash out HK$2.453 million

智通財經網 ·  Oct 7, 2021 17:37

Zhitong Finance App News,Easy to repay financial investments (08079)It was announced that in a series of transactions conducted on October 6, 2021, the company sold a total of 1,981 million shares on the open market at a total cost of approximately HK$2,453 million (excluding stamp duty and related expenses)Huaxia Culture Technology (01566)Common stock.

The Board believes that the Group will liquidate a book loss of approximately HK$2,847 million due to the sale, that is, the difference between the cost of the sale and the acquisition cost of Huaxia Culture Technology Co., Ltd. mentioned above (excluding stamp duty and related expenses). The Company intends to use the proceeds from the sale for other business/investment opportunities or for the Group's general working capital.

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