
易还财务投资(08079.HK)售华夏文化科技(01566.HK)股份 料蚀284.7万

Easy Refund Financial Investment (08079.HK)'s sale of Huaxia Culture Technology (01566.HK) shares is expected to cost 2,847 million

AAFN ·  Oct 7, 2021 17:54

Easy to repay financial investments It was announced that on October 6 (yesterday), a total of 1,981 million shares were sold on the open market at a total cost of about 2,453 million yuan Huaxia Culture Technology The average price of common stock is $1.2384, and the total cost is about $2,453,000, which is collected in cash at the time of settlement. The board of directors believes that the Group will liquidate a book loss of about $2,847 million as a result of the sale. According to the company, the sold shares were acquired on September 30. Given that Huaxia Culture Technology experienced significant price fluctuations on October 6, and considering the market value of the shares sold at the time, the sale was considered a favorable move and allowed the company to stop and consolidate its financial and cash position. (ha/u) ~ ASDAQ Financial News Website:

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