
德泰新能源集团(00559.HK)年度收益2409万港元 同比减少48.6%

Detai New Energy Group (00559.HK) annual income of HK $24.09 million decreased by 48.6% compared with the same period last year.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 30, 2021 22:50

Gelonghui, September 30 (00559.HK) announced that for the year ended June 30, 2021, the company's income was 24.09 million Hong Kong dollars, down 48.6 percent from the same period last year; the loss attributable to the company's owners was 35.365 million Hong Kong dollars, compared with a loss of 164 million Hong Kong dollars in the same period last year; a loss of 0.23 Hong Kong cents per share.

The net loss for the year was mainly due to deductions for: (I) no goodwill impairment loss of approximately HK $57 million in the hotel hospitality business; (ii) a decrease of approximately HK $55.8 million in permanent title land and buildings impairment loss in the hotel hospitality business; and (iii) the reversal of an impairment loss on loans receivable of approximately HK $8.8 million.

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