
延续强势 达利食品(3799.HK)逆势涨超8%创近3个月新高

Continued strong Dali Foods Group (3799.HK) rose by more than 8% against the trend and reached a three-month high.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 29, 2021 15:16
3799.HK, which recently outperformed the broader market on September 29, continued its rally today, rising more than 8 per cent to HK $4.82 at one point in intraday trading, with a market capitalization of HK $66 billion, the highest since early July. The stock has risen more than 26 per cent since it rebounded from HK $3.821 at the end of August. Goldman Sachs Group said in a previous research report that Dali Foods Group distributor restructuring and incentive mechanism redesign have begun to play a certain role in promoting beverage growth; energy drinks are expected to achieve faster growth from the second half of the year under better channel incentives; the company actively promotes sales productivity and promotes faster growth of bread than the industry, while the active launch of new soy milk products has also begun to contribute; a buy rating is given, with a target price of HK $5.40. In addition, Daiwa also issued a research report to give Dali Foods Group a buy rating, raising the target price to HK $6.

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