

Up master was cheated 160000 in half an hour, the national anti-fraud App has been crazy to remind …

觀察者網 ·  Sep 24, 2021 22:09

► 文Deng Ruikan, Observer Network

"I really don't know why I believed everything they said under the circumstances, maybe because they were 'customer service', maybe because they made me buy an insurance policy, maybe they gave me all my information. I just wanted to get rid of it. "

Repeatedly under the inducement of fraudsters, the "National Anti-Fraud Center app" reminded Bilibili Inc. UP that he was defrauded of 160000 yuan by telecommunications within 30 minutes.

On Sept. 20, @ Yang lovely Ukulele, the UP owner of Bilibili Inc. Music District, released a video detailing his experience of being defrauded of 160000 yuan by telecom. From suspicion to persuasion to being cheated, the whole process is only 30 minutes.

Ms. Yang saidI have seen some people being defrauded, but I never thought such a thing would happen to me.

According to Ms. Yang's description, at noon that day, the fraud team pretended to be an employee of the express delivery company and called her, claiming that the company had lost a piece and wanted to double the compensation to her.

At first, Ms. Yang was skeptical, but after the other party gave her real phone number, name and order number, her doubts were completely dispelled.

As a result, the fraudsters led the victims to operate on Alipay step by step, from looking for the so-called "express claim" to "the loan relationship caused by your operational mistakes, and you have to transfer 72000 yuan to Alipay within three years."

Then, the other party told Ms. Yang to download a conference APP, contact "Alipay customer service", is actually a partner to solve this problem.

Although it is a voice exchange, the other party can see everything on Ms. Yang's mobile phone screen through the APP of the meeting.

After an operation, the loan relationship has not yet been lifted, taking advantage of Ms. Yang's anxiety, the fraudster proposed to "use the balance of the account for credit guarantee."

How to ensure the trust of Ms. Yang?

The fraudster asked Ms. Yang to buy a "bank card insurance" on Alipay. "if there is a deviation of 1 cents in the balance in the bank card, you can get 500000 yuan in compensation."

In this way, Ms. Yang transferred 160000 yuan to the fraudster's account one after another. During this period, the other party also made a rule, "there is no second person around. If there is a second person's voice in the meeting, all applications will fail."

At this point, the fraudsters didn't stop and asked Ms. Yang to open a loan on Alipay and WeiLiDai on Wechat. If she didn't have enough money, she went to borrow it from a friend.

Fortunately, the friend whom Ms. Yang asked for help had been deceived before, saw through the deception and took her to the police station to report the case.

Ms. Yang said in the video that she did not know why she believed everything the fraudsters said at that time, and it was not until the police showed her an almost identical transcript that she was really sure that she had been cheated.

It is worth noting thatMs. Yang has "National Anti-Fraud app" on her mobile phone, and she also pops up many times to remind her when transferring money. But all this was actually seen by swindlers because of the meeting APP. The swindler used all kinds of words to divert Ms. Yang's attention and guide her to click down the pop-up window.

Police told Ms. Yang that the cheated money was difficult to recover because the swindler would immediately transfer the money from a first-tier card to a second-tier card or a third-tier card until it flowed into an underground bank or bought a virtual currency.

Throughout the course of the case, the fraudsters were scheming, and from the successful use of Ms. Yang's psychology, we can see that the criminals have been quite adept at committing crimes.

Police blogger @ Jiangning mother-in-law pointed out"this is a very typical shopping refund fraud, and there are obvious flaws to be seen at every step from the beginning."

He proposed three ways to deal with fraud:

1. Install the National Anti-Fraud Center app (remember to open the permission).

2. Anyone who talks to you about money on the phone or online should be vigilant in an instant. If they can't check whether it's true or false, call 96110 to help you verify it.

3. Unfamiliar app, especially the conference software app that shares the screen, should be installed carefully.

According to Ms. Yang's experience of being deceived, some netizens pointed out that they usually need to be vigilant when answering strange phone calls.

Some netizens said that we should not relax our vigilance just because we think that the fraud will not happen to us.

Some netizens also mentioned that the reminder of "National Anti-Fraud APP" is very useful and can not be taken as a joke.

Source | Observer Network

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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