

Huawei will launch the OpenEuler Euler operating system, and related companies are expected to receive attention

金融界 ·  Sep 24, 2021 11:36

Source: The Financial Community

According to Huawei's official WeChat, on September 25, Huawei will release a new operating system called OpenEuler (Euler). Recently, Ren Zhengfei said that Euler is making great strides. Euler's position is aimed at the operating system and ecological base of the country's digital infrastructure and undertakes the historical mission of supporting the construction of a leading, reliable, and secure digital foundation.

The industry believes that openEuler (Euler) is an open source and free Linux distribution system that collaborates with developers around the world to build an open, diverse, and architecturally inclusive software ecosystem through open source and openness, and continuous exploration and innovation. Currently, OpenEuler not only proves that the strength of domestic server operating systems has been recognized by the market, but can also be said to be a major victory for China in technological breakthroughs in the field of basic software. With the launch of the Huawei OpenEuler operating system, China will welcome the advent of an open source era of controlled domestic operating systems.

Bowland is already a partner company in the Huawei Kunpeng computing industry, has joined the OpenEuler and opengauss communities, and has carried out in-depth cooperation on adaptation and performance optimization at the Kunpeng chip and JDK levels.

Yuxin Technology has products compatible with Huawei's Euler operating system. The company has cooperated with Huawei for a long time and a wide range of cooperation. The two parties maintain a good cooperative relationship and are committed to providing better products and solutions in the field of information technology application innovation, including software products and hardware products.


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