
港股异动 | 香港本地地产股反弹 新鸿基地产(0016.HK)一度涨近4%

Changes in Hong Kong stocks | Hong Kong property stocks rebounded. At one point, Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016.HK) rose nearly 4%.

格隆滙 ·  Sep 21, 2021 10:45
Hong Kong real estate stocks rebounded on September 21. Sun Hung Kai Properties (0016.HK) once rose nearly 4%, but now the increase has narrowed to 2.28%, New World Development rose 1.64%, and Sino Land Co. Ltd. rose 1.58%. Kuang Xiaoqing, the widow of Guo Desheng of the Kwok family, increased his stake in SHKP on Friday at an average price of HK $104.5768 per share, involving 538000 shares and a capital of HK $56.2623 million. After the increase, Kuang Xiaoqing's shareholding increased from 26.76% to 26.78%.

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